Support us

If you would like to become involved with our unique and transformative project please get in touch!


Opportunities include:-

Work experience opportunities -Welcome a program participant into your workplace and allow them to observe or get hands-on in the operation of your business

Business mentoring -Add your talents and enthusiasm to our project by becoming a Business mentor to our participants.

Business partnerships -We are a small organisation with a big heart! Some areas of our work are in great need of support. If you have skills in IT, marketing, graphic design, specialist training and you have an interest in volunteering we would love to hear from you

Guest Speaking -Our participants gain so much from hearing real-life experiences from business experts and entrepreneurs.

Donation -Our project relies on funding from various government bodies and philanthropy. We are looking to create a sustainable and successful program that delivers real outcomes to our participants. To help us carry on long into the future and further the development of our program please contact us to arrange a donation.

  • To discuss any of these opportunities please contact Clare or Juliana